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Wisdom Teeth Removal
WISE offers convenient and safe wisdom tooth
extraction under IV sedation
Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal | Birmingham, AL | WISE Oral - wisdomteethrev1

Comfort & Relief

IV Sedation for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Birmingham, AL

At WISE Oral and Facial surgery anxiety and discomfort are minimized during wisdom tooth removal. We offer multiple options for sedation to address these concerns, but the most commonly recommended and requested technique is IV Sedation. Once an IV is placed the rest of the procedure is smooth, comfortable and generally with no recollection of the surgery. To discuss your treatment options, book a consultation at WISE today.

Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal | Birmingham, AL | WISE Oral - wisdomteethrev4

Same-Day Surgery Available

Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Removal

When dentists or oral surgeons recommend wisdom teeth removal, it is likely because your dental health is at risk. An impacted wisdom tooth is one that is stuck below the surface of the gum tissue. This can often lead to oral health complications including pain, dental abscess, damage to second molars, formation of tumors or cysts around the wisdom teeth, and crowding of the teeth. Even a partially-erupted wisdom tooth can damage the tooth next to it. This can cause terrible pain in your jaw and mouth. These health problems can be avoided with wisdom teeth extraction.

Orthodontics is a large investment in your children, getting wisdom teeth removed or early in orthodontics can protect your child's smile long term. Waiting to remove wisdom teeth can lead to issues with 2nd molars, or cause dental crowding after orthodontics has finished or disruption in your child's life later on when they cause pain.

Learn About Removing Wisdom Teeth

When do I need my wisdom teeth removed?

At WISE, we will perform a comprehensive exam of your wisdom teeth including necessary X-rays or 3D imaging to determine any current issues or potential future problems you may have with your wisdom teeth. 

It is generally recommended to remove wisdom teeth before they cause pain or a problem, as this leads to a more comfortable experience and better outcomes. For this reason, it’s important for teenagers to have their wisdom teeth evaluated.

What can I expect during the procedure?

If wisdom teeth removal is decided to be the best treatment, we will discuss the options for sedation. Nitrous oxide or laughing gas helps with anxiety. However, IV sedation or twilight sleep is a commonly used, safe, and recommended option to undergo the procedure. Patients generally have little memory of the procedure. We use local anesthesia on everyone to ensure patients are comfortable and provide hours of numbness and comfort after the procedure.

What can I expect after wisdom teeth removal?

The extraction sockets will take about two weeks to heal completely, but most patients are able to go about their normal schedule within a few days. For the first few days after surgery, you may have some swelling in the cheeks and mild discomfort in the jaws. Sometimes stiffness when opening your mouth wide can occur but this resolves with time and as swelling reduces. Using ice packs for the first few days and taking medication prescribed by the surgeon can significantly help with any discomfort. 

Please review our patient instructions for a full description of the procedure and post-op instructions.

Wisdom Tooth Surgery Video

Protect Your Mouth

Prevent the pain and complications of wisdom teeth problems—request your appointment today.